Friday, December 3, 2010

SLIMMING Program 20101202

Finally, I decided to try the NU SKIN TRA slimming program. 
What's the feeling before I try?! I feel worry and ancient about the program. Isn't really can help? But.. really got a nice "example" - my colleague to let me see the result. She had tried the program, after 3 months, she really slim down, and lose about 8kgs, and most of the fat lost and replaced by the muscle. So great! 

So, let's write down the process week by week start from tomorrow. =)
2010-12-02 - 1st day - I start the TRA slimming program. 1st time I totally do not eat rice/mee for the lunch, because I drink the TRA trimshake. It's food replacement (代餐), you can either replace it with lunch or dinner. Although I did not eat rice/mee during lunch, and just drink the trimshake and ate an apple, BUT I did not feel hungry or not feeling well of it, and the trimshake has the nice taste, and it can tahan 6 hours (meaning I drank trimshake at 1pm, I will only feel hungry at about 7pm) =)

Will take photos of my body tonight or tomorrow to keep as a record. =) 
Let's see the result after 1 week - 2010-12-09. 
Wish to see the result after 1 week. ~ LaiMun ~


  1. huhuhu..i gain weight here ady.....

  2. exercise more...there summer sud start adi rite??
    then is time to exercise..
    if not, come back and try the TRA like me..
    Hehe =)
