Wednesday, September 30, 2009


今天傍晚6点左右,在我工作的时候,我一度以为我太专注地看着电脑,所以觉得头晕。身体不断地前后摆动。但过后,看看四周围,同事们都不约而同地,互相对望,问对方同样的问题:"是earthquake 吗?,还是我自己头晕啊?我们需要逃走吗?"大家就这样聊了起来。一打开facebook,很多人都讨论这问题。同事们还上网向Miss Goo - Google 查个明白。


希望明天的新闻听到的是好消息,不是坏消息吧!明天会更好... by LM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


本以为这假期是很开心的, 但在期中发生了一件我难以放下的事情。
那天早上,全部人都高高兴兴地去巴生吃肉骨茶。菜刚好上桌,当我们正要开餐,我妈妈在舀汤的时候,突然间她手停在那,动也不动。那时的我,觉得很奇怪, 就看了我妈妈一眼,叫了我妈妈一声,过后就吓了我一跳! 我妈妈完全没有回应我,手无力,全都冷了,脸色变得很苍白。我一直问她:“妈,你怎么了?” 只见她看着我,要说话,嘴巴在动,当我却听不清楚她在说什么。她的眼很慢很慢地缓动,反应慢了很多。让我以为她中风。幸好, 她不是!

那时的我,很怕很怕,不知该如何是好。 幸好,我表姐,表哥在,帮忙我一直揉我妈妈的手,帮她擦风油, 帮她按摩,让他清醒点!10分钟后,我妈妈开始清醒了,一直说她没事。差劲的我呢,没看见过我妈妈这样,却因怕过度,快要昏过去了!

我的心很痛,很担心,真的不知道我妈妈为什么会这样。我妈妈却一直叫我们不用担心,他是因为早上喝了3in1 coffee, 肚子涨风,才会这样的,还说她曾经试过这样。但真的是这样吗?医生也不能肯定。医生也不知道她为什么会突然间这样,好像要昏过去。到底是什么原因呢? 我真的希望她没事,就好像她所说的。但,我还是一样非常担心。

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My new handphone

Last month, my Nokia handphone - N70 is spoiled. White screen, camera not function, speaker not clear, all these came in 2 - 3months. Haihz... Supposely, I plan to save money until October, then buy a new hp to ganti it, but didn't expect that it is spoiled before I buy a new 1. Make me feel trouble is some of my contacts, songs, photos lost as I didn't save them in my memory card before that. My N70 became white screen without giving me any notification or tips.

Finally I get my new hp last week. The picture displayed beside is my new hp - Sony Ericsson W595. I chose pink color as it's special edition and because I like pink also. =) What I like most are it is a slide phone, and has 3 speakers. But, what I am wondering is when I typing SMS. As I used Nokia handphones all the while, suddenly change to use Sony Ericsson handphone, many keys' functions are different like cancel, back, delete, space bar, change word key and so on... I so miss Nokia sms keys's functions. The dictionary of Nokia phone is better than Sony Ericsson. Oopss, I should say I prefer Nokia sms functions. =) So, now trying to familiar with these new keys of Sony Ericsson.

With this new hp, I keep taking photos myself. So ss sendiri! Haha... I think many girls also did that like me. No more extra money in this month already. Pity eh... Hopefully this month I can tahan until salary out. =)

Wish this hp can accompany me more n more years la. ~Lawins~

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Movies - Final Destination 4 & UP

Final Destination 4

Last Friday I went to watch this movie with a gang of friends at 1U. First time watch movie with so many friends, 25 ppl all of us, fully sit 2 rows in the middle of the hall. @.@ It is a good chance for me also, as i met up with those juniors and old friends. Very thanks to Baoz! We some more took a group photo in front of the GSC counter there as memory. So many ppl looked at us. =D

About the movie. It has 3D and 2D version. That night, we chose to watch 3D version. It was my first time watch 3D movie, plus it is a horror movie. Overall of the movie is not that nice as I expected. If compare to previous FD 1, 2, and 3, this time is scared less. The story line is not so good also. A bit disappointed.


I watched this movie just now. Funny, and touching story, nice to watch. No wonder so many ppl recommended this movie. I like the little boy - Rosell. He is very cute and brave and love animals. The way Mr. Fredickson used is so attractive. I never think that can use the helium filled balloons to take and move the house up, up and away. Don't know got ppl try this way before or not. =) But the most funny scene is the beginning scene which the Clouds made children, animals and asked birds to send them to those who needed. I think this scene only can watch it at cinema.
So, if you haven't watch it, pls faster go watch it lo.

Wish to watch movies "Where got ghost? - 吓到笑" and "怪谈". :)