Tuesday, May 17, 2011


到底怎样才叫 <缘份> 呢?

有很多人说:“ 一切随缘吧” 或者 - “ 等缘份来咯!”  再或者 - “ 缘份未到吗?”


我还蛮喜欢 Law of Attraction 的道理,讲得还蛮对!有些事是需要你自己去吸引过来的。。。你的魅力,你的优点,是需要散发出来,别人才有机会看到,缘份自然会来。。。

所以呀,在这本书-The Secret; The Power 里,有个故事说到爱情的law of attraction. 那男生是做entertainment 工作,接触很多女生,但他都没有女朋友。有个心理学家看到他所画的图案都是女生回避的样子,就告诉他,为什么他会没有女生爱上他,是因为在他心里面,他喜欢女生回避他的样子,所以反映他不喜欢女生接近他。心理学家教他换个角度,画一些和女生一起的图案,想像他和女生一起,有女朋友。过了半年,因为他照着心理学家的话,改变了想法actions based on mind, 就慢慢吸引了很多女生,也有个很好的女朋友,最后还结婚了。

在这故事里面,告诉我们,不要只是在那边想你的缘份,要去想像你要的缘份,去actions based on your mind那缘份就会被你而吸引过来。。

Since there is a chance for you to try out, why not?!

p/s: 其实,law of attraction 可以用在其他的事情上,不只是在缘份,爱情上。


Monday, May 9, 2011

A very touching Mother's Day

Happy Belated Mother's Day to everyone!

My brother called me so suddenly yesterday, and asked "Do you want to go back with me later?" That time already 3.30pm, I get a shock, but feel happy too, because I really wish to go back home to celebrate Mother's day with my mom. So, for sure, I answered YES to my brother, and finally we get to reach home before 8pm, and brought my mom go for dinner.

Although we do not give my mother a wonderful dinner and any present, but I can feel my mom is very happy. My mom like to chit chat with us, so when she see us, she keep talking talking to us. When I saw her talking there, I really cry in my heart, as I know, she so wish her sons and daughter can go back visit her more often, can talk to her more often.. But, we cannot make it, as we working at KL/PJ and having many work loads there.

What we can do for her? What we can give to her? Do you think what you can do now?
I really wish I can give her all I can, I just wish to accompany her more, talk to her more often.

Wish you all love your parent more, always remember that your parent is always protect you since young, and always love you till the end. So, everything you do now, pls and pls think of your parent, don't just think of yourself.

~ Mom, I love U! ~ Lai Mun