Sunday, December 20, 2009




加油 - LM

Monday, December 14, 2009


今天看到一则令我感到兴奋的新闻,就是我期待已久的 A Mei 演唱会。上次阿妹來馬舉辦的《張惠妹STAR Tour2009大馬演唱會》,也就是今年3月,我因为没有人陪我去看,而错失了那次机会,这次我一定要去看。

新闻报道说这次的《阿密特世界巡迴演唱會》,阿妹是以“分身”阿密特的身分“首次”來馬開唱!阿密特屬“新人”,所以这次歌迷們必须在燈牌或布條改换名字,要醒目一點寫上“阿密特”,而不是“阿妹”!如果叫錯名字還會被糾正噢!張惠妹的經紀人陳鎮川还說2年內都不會做“張惠妹”的演唱會,想看的話就趁熱啦!所以,朋友们,如果你也有兴趣,想看A Mei的演唱会,就不要错过了。

新闻报道说 - “但是值得爭議的是,阿密特在廣州演唱會上大唱粗口歌詞“It’s bullshit”,還手銬鐵鍊大玩SM造型,但據主辦單位負責人表示,這些場面應該不會出現在大馬的演唱會里,有關演出內容還得商討后再決定,因此粉絲們也很難看到阿密特的勁爆演出,性感的舞台服裝也不可能出現了!” 如果真是这样,就有点可惜了!希望可以看到不一样的A Mei。

So, 我要快点存钱买票了!现在还没公布《阿密特世界巡迴演唱會》将会在几时开始售卖。一切都要守住新闻,电台的报道。

好兴奋将有机会看張惠妹的演唱會 - LM -

Sunday, December 13, 2009

痛苦的Sunday 20091213

Today supposed is a wonderful day for me. I supposed to go to meet my mum at Cheras now, then teman her until tonight. But..but.. last night after I attended Eddy's wedding dinner, reached home, my left wisdom tooth started to feel pain, and I can feel my whole left wisdom tooth is swollen (bengkak). I try to sleep, but the pain make me hard to sleep. Fortunately, I still can sleep for few hours. At the beginning, I thought the pain will over after sleep. But, I felt more painful at this morning after I woke up. T_T

I can't tahan the pain. The swollen area of my wisdom tooth make me totally cant eat. Drink water become a very hard action for me. So, I faster browse through internet to get those dental which is opened today around my place. After get few, haven a simple milk breakfast, my dear fetch me go find those dental clinics. At this difficult moment, very thanks to Sim Ying, my best friend, who keep helping me to find where else got the dental center is open today. After almost 1 hour finding around here and there, finally I get a dental at PJ New Town. Thanks God!

Within 10 mins check up, the doctor said my wisdom tooth is under inflammation. At this moment, he cant do anything on it, because it will bring more pain to me. He just can give me pain killer and antibiotic to consume to reduce the pain. I think the pain killer is not strong medicine, after I consume it, it does not reduce the pain immediately, but after 2 hours. Now, after dinner, I consume 2nd times of the pain killer, but dont know y my wisdom tooth felt pain again. My mouth cannot close properly. Blessing now. Wish it gonna be alright after I consume 3rd time of the pain killer.

And hopefully tomorrow it wont feel so pain anymore..

Blessing now - LM -

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

4th year Anniversary

Time pass so fast. 4 years. I have been together with my dear - Tommy - 4 years already. Yesterday is our 4th years Anniversary, Thanks God! Let us got such a chance along together for this 4 years.

Such a memorable day, sure we went to celebrate it. Yesterday we took 1 day leave and went out to having a great day together. Although not so special, but I feel very happy and enjoy. We went to Tony Roma's Steak house at The Garden, Mid Valley to have our lunch there. Ya, the food is nice there and price is reasonable. Portion of the food is large, except the set lunch. Set lunch is having a normal portion, but is enough for 1 person. (Have a look on the pictures I uploaded below.) Although I just ate starter, but I felt very full. Anyway, it is a place that I'll go for another time.

After a great lunch, suppose we planned to watch a movie, but unfortunately, all the movies are not our cup of tea, are not so high expectation to watch at cinema. Therefore, we went to have other activity which is SingK at RedBox. =D It is a bit expensive, about RM30 per person after included tax and service charge. Actually the expensive thing is on its tibits only, the tibit charge RM9 per bowl. #@$%*(&%! Except this, it is good as tea time buffet is served and we are allowed to sing 4 hours at least from 2pm++ to 6pm. It's 1st time only 2 of us singK for 4 hours. Tired and sore throat after singK. XD

Anyway, we really have a great day yesterday! And wish we can last forever!

Dear, 谢谢你一直以来的容忍,一直以来不离不弃,我知道我们能在一起,是一种缘分,我会珍惜的!Thanks and I Love U!

By having a great bf - LM -

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas is coming soon

Jingle Bell... Jingle Bell...Jingle All the Way....

Ya... Christmas is coming soon... XD
Yesterday I went to buy a Christmas tree from Jusco. It finally been decorated and put at the living room of my house after few hours decoration. Felt tired after that. But, feel very happy cause this year got enough money to spend to buy this Christmas tree which I wish to have it very long time ago... Haha... Don't know why I like it so much. May be is because of I can decorate the tree by myself, hang up all those christmas balls myself. It's so colorful. I Like It!

Beside is the photo that I asked Wendy took for my Christmas tree. Decorated by
me and Dear. Is it very nice? Haha.. I bought green normal Christmas tree, cos it looks natural, white Christmas tree give me a feeling of fake. But I still plan to have a white Christmas tree in the future when I got my own house. Are me greedy? Nope... Either green or white Christmas tree also has their own pretty look ah, so I just wish to have both of them in my house only.

Anyway, Wish this year will have a wonderful Christmas and New Year too. =D

Friday, December 4, 2009


Recently, I very like to listen to this song, 
梁文音-哭过就好了. It is a very nice song.
And I like the title of the song. Meaning, everything
will be fine after cry when u face any problems, troubles,
or feeling sad. It's true also. Cry sometimes is a good
release for us. It helps us to pull out our sadness from
our heart, our mind, our brain... So, don't say cry is
not good lo.. :)

Enjoy the song ya!

并不表示我 没有感受
看你微妙的变化 慢慢不同
我不是生气 只是心痛
你可以说人会变 但不能说
哭过就好了 伤都会好的
爱是为了拥抱 为了牵手
不是为了争吵 为了调头
哭过就好了 痛都会走的
记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩
你可以说人会变 但不能说
哭过就好了 伤都会好的
爱是为了拥抱 为了牵手
不是为了争吵 为了调头
哭过就好了 痛都会走的
记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩
哭过就好了 痛都会走的
记忆有限 所以它会淘汰坏的
失眠听歌 想念虽然苦涩

Wednesday, December 2, 2009





在8月最后一个礼拜的某个晚上,刚巧我一位男性好朋友在我家复试功课,他打了电话给我,说很想我陪他出去走走,吃宵夜。我那个时候,“重色轻友”,就答应了他,然后叫我那好朋友回家去。怎么知道他人已在我家外面,看到了我那男性好朋友从我家走出来,就这样,他就驾车走了。我打电话给他,他不接。我很怕他误会,很想和他解释,就传简讯给他说个清楚,但他只回复我 - “不吃了,我很累,我想回家”。什么也没说。


过了一天,我鼓起勇气,打电话给他,他不接,我就传简讯。 最后我得到的答案竟然是-“事情都已经发生了,现在即使你知道当中的理由,又有何用呢?” 看到这一句,我的心真的很痛。为什么他不能告诉我原因?这个答案也是我到现在都很想知道的。虽然那个答案,那个原因,那个理由有可能我知道了会很难过,但至少我知道,总好过我不知道。



加油! 丽雯